Portsmouth & Southsea neck and neck in the Atlantic

The club as TWO members competing in different yachts in the ARC Trans-Atlantic yacht race.

Geoffrey Palmer is one of 5 crew in Skyhunter II (yacht number 205 in the live yacht-position map)

John Cogley has a crew of 22 in the much larger Chalenger II (yacht number 26)

Geoffrey's emails are being added to a Skyhunter blog.

Thousands of Purple Crocus for Portsmouth

Our worldwide Polio Eradication Campaign is now hopefully in its last stages.  Rotary is planting millions of purple crocus, to remind supporters of the purple paint our teams apply to children's fingers when they have been inoculated.
Here our club are planting more than 2000 purple crocus in Commercial Road. All due to flower for "Thanks for Life" day - 23rd February.